How to Start a Medical Supply Store
Look for a building close to area hospitals. It will be easier for those who need your supplies to find. Your store should be large enough to accommodate some rather bulky equipment such as air tanks, wheelchairs and shower seats.
Obtain the business licenses you will need from your local state and city. For these licenses you will need to list the address of your operation. Apply to the U.S. government for the ability to bill Medicare and Medicaid. If you wish to sell pharmaceuticals you will need to obtain licensing from your state board of medicine. For some types of pharmaceuticals and items such as pulse oximeters, you may need to adhere to certain agency regulations, such as those required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA). Join the state board of medicine and the American Medical Association, from which you can obtain information on various types of licensure for your medical supply store.
Know what items are likely to be most required. Talk to local doctors and find out what their patients require. Talk to local social services and home care organizations to find out what their clients most often need to help them in their outpatient care.
Contact vendors for medical supplies and appliances and obtain wholesaler discounts.
Advertise locally and online. Utilize all of your options for low-cost marketing by building a website and using hospital bulletin boards. Give your information to local doctor's offices and hospitals so they can send their patients to you for their medical supplies.