What Are the Advantages of a Dissecting Microscope?

All microscopes are used to get a magnified view of a specimen. A dissecting microscope is used to look at objects that are thicker than objects looked at under a compound microscope. Compound microscopes typically give 10 to 40 times magnification. However, dissecting microscopes may only yield 3 to 5 times magnification. The reduced magnification is not a disadvantage because the dissecting microscope is used differently then a compound microscope.
  1. Features

    • Dissecting microscopes have 2 eyepieces that provide binocular vision. This allows for better focus and less eye strain.


    • Binocular vision allows the user to see objects in 3D. This can not be done with a compound microscope.

    Field of view

    • The lower magnification of the dissecting microscope gives the user a greater field of vision. In some cases, the entire specimen can looked at under the dissecting microscope as opposed to just a few cells.


    • Dissecting microscopes can be used to look at live specimens that are not microscopic. No other form of microscope allows this.


    • Since subjects are thicker, they are not illuminated from below on a dissecting microscope. This allows for light to be placed anywhere it is needed to enhance the view of the specimen.

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