How to Make Money Selling Bodily Fluids

Selling bodily fluids is becoming an increasingly popular way of making a little extra cash. This article details which bodily fluids can be sold and how to go about it.

Things You'll Need

  • A Healthy Body
  • No transferable Diseases
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      The most obvious way to earn money is through selling blood for money, which is usually done through donation centers. What you get paid for isn't actually blood, but plasma, and the process is said to be a lot more painful than donating blood is usually.

      The screening process is usually done at the center before the actual donation is processed, and requires that you are free of diseases which could be passed through the blood, and that it is safe for you to give blood or plasma yourself.

      Plasma donations will net you $30-$80 per session.

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      In some countries it is commonplace for people to have their organs removed by a doctor, and to sell them for large sums of money. The laws regarding this practice in the United States are varied, but it is certainly illegal in some.

      Although many people think of this as a shady black market type of affair, there are official channels in some places which can be taken. The application process involves a fairly extensive battery of tests to make sure that the organ is functional and that you can live without it.

      Most organs will fetch between $20000-$60000, but check legality in your country before you go asking doctors to remove anything.

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      Sperm and Eggs
      Both males and females can make money from their sexual organs by selling sperm and eggs respectively. The potential donors are screened for a variety of hereditary traits and ailments, and are required to be in good health. There are even open markets for sperm in particular where successful or good looking men can command thousand for a single vial of their sperm.

      Sperm donation is a lot less work then egg donation, which requires daily injections of fertility drugs everyday for a month in order to increase the number of eggs harvested. There is also minor surgery to remove the eggs which carries the usual risks.

      Expect to make $60-$120 per sample for sperm and $2000-$7000 per month for egg donations.

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      Carrying a baby for nine months for someone else is potentially one of the better earning ways to make money from your own body. Only females can do this of course as men lack the appropriate equipment. This practice is also illegal in some places, although is a growing industry.

      There are risks of course with this kind of venture, such as the fact that many women find it difficult to give up a baby they have carried for nine months. There are also the usual risks associated with having a baby.

      Surrogacy will usually earn you $20000-$70000 for nine months work.

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