How to be a CNA

This article tell's people the process of becoming a CNA. Many times a person is able to get certified without any out of pocket expenses. The only qualifications are a caring attitude, and the ability to care for people in need.

Things You'll Need

  • A caring personality
  • Lots of patience
  • Ability to talk and write clearly
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      There are two ways you can do this, the first way is to find a community college or outreach program where you can take the CNA course. WHen you do it this way you will probably have to pay out of pocket, but you will get to choose where you work.
      The second way is to find a facility offering CNA classes, if you find a facility offering the course, then most times they will offer you the CNA course for free as long as you sign a contract stating you will stay with the facility. The contracts are usually 6 months to a year.

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      Take the course. Try and make sure you attend all classes, many times you will get booted out of the class if you miss a couple days. Remember the class is all common sense, don't make it harder than it is, don't over think it.

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      Remember that they will be instilling in you that anything out of the ordinary, you report to the charge nurse. Remember this at all times. The other thing they will be instilling into you is vigorous hand washing, always wash your hands, always.

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      Depending on the course, you will usually take about a month to six weeks to complete. When you are taking the course they will have clinical time meaning you will do hands on training in a facility (hospital, nursing home, ect...). During this time you will spend 4-8 hours working on "the floor"

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      Finally, at the end of the course they will have you go take a state certified test. Remember on the test they ask multiple choice questions, just remember your training. The last part of the test is where you demonstrate, in front of an instructor, different procedures. I had to do five different things, like turn a patient in bed, take a temp, ect...Just remember your training and don't get rattled with someone watching you. Remember talk yourself through it.

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