How to Train for Phlebotomy
Earn your high school diploma or your G.E.D. In order to even take the courses required to be a phlebotomist, you must have at least one of these certificates. While in high school, study subjects such as anatomy and physiology. Often, these are areas of study that will help you obtain a position as a phlebotomist as it is important and relevant information.
Take phlebotomy courses. Vocational schools and many community colleges offer courses in order to become certified in phlebotomy. You must complete at least 1 semester of training in a phlebotomy course. Sometimes it takes up to 1 year. You must pass a final exam in order to receive your certificate.
Apply for a training position at your local hospital. By having hands-on experience in your future workplace, it will help you prepare to become a phlebotomist and you will become familiar with how to interact with nervous patients (often people are nervous when they need blood drawn).
Look into your state's requirements for a phlebotomist. Many require a certain number of years in a training course (18 weeks to 1 year), a phlebotomy certificate, hands-on experience and sometimes even more. Satisfy all the criteria before you begin your actual job search. Gather all of the documentation that you need in order to begin applying for phlebotomy positions.
Create a resume that highlights all of your phlebotomy experience, history, skills and anything else that is relevant to the phlebotomy position. Include copies of your G.E.D or high school diploma and of your phlebotomy certificate. Don't forget professional references.
Apply for positions as a phlebotomist at local hospitals and clinics. Talk to a manager to see if they have positions available. Check on your application often to see if it has yet to be reviewed.