How to Sterilize a Needle
Things You'll Need
- Dish soap
- Paper towel
- Pliers
- Tweezers
- Oven mitts
- Tea cup
- Rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide
Wash the needle first in the palm of your hand with a few drops of dishwashing detergent and water. Rub your thumb over the needle and rub it around in the soap until any dirt, grease or oils have been removed. Rinse and allow to dry on a clean paper towel.
Fold a paper towel twice, then get it damp and set it aside. Grasp the non-pointed end of the needle firmly with pliers, tweezers or an oven mitt and plunge the pointed end of the needle into a flame. The flame can the the burner on a gas stove or a candle flame. Do not hold the needle above the flame (where soot may accumulate) but rather on the side of the flame, and hold it there until the needle is very hot.
Set the needle on the damp paper towel that you prepared earlier and allow it to cool.
Wash your hands with rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide and then pick the needle up by the non-pointed end. Try not to touch the pointed end of the needle as you work.
Fill a tea cup with 1/2 inch of rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide if you do not wish to sterilize with heat. Drop the needle into the cup and allow it to sit in the liquid for 20 seconds.
Wash your hands with rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide and then carefully remove the needle from the tea cup.