What Is an Obstetric Sonographer?
Area of Expertise
Obstetric sonographers are trained specifically to take ultrasound images of your unborn child. She must pass an exam in general physical principles and instrumentation as well as an additional exam in obstetric and gynecologic sonography to be certified with the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography.
Formal education is offered in hospitals, vocational-technical schools, colleges and universities and in the Armed Forces. Colleges and universities offer accredited programs of both two and four years.
The obstetric sonographer will use the images to determine the age and development of the fetus, diagnosis of congenital abnormalities, position of the baby and placenta, multiple pregnancies and amount of amniotic fluid. She may also check blood flow in the umbilical cord, the fetus or the placenta. She will take measurements, save appropriate images and provide an analysis of preliminary results to a radiologist.
Additional Duties
Obstetric sonographers are also responsible for maintaining patient records and upkeep of the equipment.
Transvaginal Ultrasound
At times, the sonographer will opt to perform a transvaginal ultrasound in the case of an early pregnancy. This is done with a special probe inserted in your vagina.