Pros & Cons of Long-Term Health Care
Health care is something that every citizen should have access to. Unfortunately, this is not the reality, and many citizens live without any health care coverage. The result is very expensive coverage or no support in the event of an emergency. Here are some things to consider when thinking about long-term health care.-
Pro: Full Coverage
Long-term coverage would protect all citizens from birth all the way to their elderly years.
Con: Cost
Long-term health care coverage would put a big dent in the government's budget.
Pro: Easier for Hospitals
You've heard the horror stories about patients rushing to the emergency room only to find they will not be seen because they lack health care or the appropriate coverage. A general health care plan would reduce the hassle and trouble of looking up each patient's health insurance.
Con: Wasted Resources
Most citizens get by the majority of their lifetime with little medical attention. They lead healthy lifestyles, eat properly, and do not smoke or drink heavily. If everyone is provided with long-term health care, would the amount of resources and services be wasted?
Pro: Help Employers
Many employers (especially large corporations) provide health care for their employees. If the government took the health care burden upon itself, the employers would no longer have to shoulder most if not all of the burden.