How to Find Free Ask a Doctor Online Websites
Be careful that you aren't being charged for what is supposed to be a free ask a doctor online section of someone's website. There are so many free sites where you can do this with outstanding reputations don't ever be duped into paying for something such as that.
Mayo is one of the best sites around that has a free ask a doctor online section. The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota is world renown for their care and a legend in the medical field so you know that their advice is trustworthy. The have a question and answer section where you can submit questions and a doctor in that specialty will answer it.
WebMD is another place that has an excellent free ask a doctor online forum and blog. They have a long list of doctors in just about every specialty and make it very easy for you pick which doctor is related to your question and then ask it in a anonymous manner.
A word of caution though, if you have any type of serious medical condition or are in a large amount of pain or need immediate care, make sure that you go get seen somewhere right away because free ask a doctor online sites are great for information, but there is no substitute to actually being seen for your problem.