About Invacare Wheelchairs
Custom Manual Wheelchairs
Invacare makes custom manual wheelchairs. These chairs are available as a folder or a rigid model, with the folder laying flat for ease of carrying and the rigid model sitting upright. They're also available in children's models. These wheelchairs are customizable for the shopper to fit their body height, weight and other requirements. Users also choose the depth and width size of the chair, which makes this completely customized to their size and their needs.
Sports and Recreation
Invacare is unique in that they're one of the few companies currently making recreational type wheelchairs and other vehicles for sports. Tennis, rugby, hand cycling and basketball are only a few of the sports they create chairs for. They also make racing capable wheelchairs, with a lower design and larger wheels. These wheelchairs are custom designed to make the rider comfortable, even during harsh sports. They also make all-terrain wheelchairs for those who need them.
IVC Manual Wheelchairs
IVC wheelchairs from Invacare are created to provide comfort and support, though at a lower price than those from their Custom line. These chairs have a padded seat, cushioned backrest and strong wheels. They divide these chairs into different categories such as bariatric, lightweight, pediatric and recliners. The IVC wheelchairs are often used by hospitals and doctor's offices for their patients. Those interested can also purchase models from this line direct from the company for their personal use.
Everyday Chairs
Invacare has a line of wheelchairs known as "everyday chairs," which means they're perfect for those who need a chair for regular use and not for a specific purpose. While some of their chairs are designed for outdoor trails and other sports, these chairs are designed for regular use and typical activities. The user can feel comfortable doing their everyday activities such as shopping, running errands or even doing work around the house. Many of these chairs are rigid since they're not designed for travel or carrying.
Power Wheelchairs
Power wheelchairs are a hot commodity and Invacare is jumping on the trend with a variety of different power wheelchairs for customers. They have a line of pediatric models that are smaller in size to fit a child's body, but also comfortable and with the same speed as those found in the adult models. Adults will find that the company offers a wide range of power models, each with different features. They even offer a few models with padded headrests.