Schools for Radiology Technicians in New York
Radiology offers very popular diagnostic procedures for analyzing conditions and diseases, where physicians and other healthcare professionals can view the results in vivid, scan images that depict the anatomy of the area in its true form. Tests, such as the MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), PET (positron emission tomography) scan, and the CT (computed tomography) scan, are used on a daily basis in healthcare services. The healthcare field has come to depend on the services that radiology offers in the treatment of patients. There is a growing need for radiology technicians, and many schools in New York present the opportunity to pursue a career in this field.
One of the benefits of choosing a radiology technician career is its competitive salaries. Radiologic technologists and technicians earn an average salary of $54,000 in New York state. Comparative salaries include diagnostic medical sonographers, who average $56,000 in New York salaries, and medical and clinical laboratory technologists average $51,000 a year in New York.
Radiology Hospital Colleges
There are currently 17 radiography colleges in the state of New York that are affiliated with a hospital. These are the first 10 and the others are available in the link below.
1. Arnot Ogden Medical Center Ellen Richards Radiology Technician Program in Elmira, NY (607) 737-4289
2. Bellevue Hospital Center Radiology Technician Program in New York, NY (212) 562-4895
3. Champlain Valley-Physicians Hospital Fay Ashline Radiology Technician Program in Plattsburgh, NY (518) 562-7510
4. Faxton-St. Luke's Healthcare School of Medical Radiography Rosemary Morin Radiology Technician Program in Utica, NY (315) 624-6136
5. Glens Falls Hospital Roger Weeden Radiology Technician Program in Glens Falls, NY (518) 792-3151
6. Harlem Hospital Center Radiology Technician Program in New York, NY (212) 939-3475
7. Long Island College Hospital Sergeo Guilbaud Radiology Technician Program in Brooklyn, NY (718) 780-1681
8. Mercy Medical Center Barbara Geiger Radiology Technician Program in Rockville Centre, NY (516) 705-2274
9. New York Methodist Hospital Bartone School of Radiography Joane Durney Radiology Technician Program in Brooklyn, NY (718) 645-3500
10. Peconic Bay School of Radiologic Tech. William L DeCamp Radiology Technician Program in Riverhead, NY
(631) 548-6173
Radiography Colleges
There are currently 15 independent colleges for radiography studies in New York State. These are the first five listed in the link provided below.
1. Bronx Community College Virginia Mishkin Radiology Technician Program in the Bronx, NY (718) 289-5100, ext. 5396
2. Broome Community College Nancy Button Radiology Technician Program in Binghamton, NY (607) 778-5070
3. Fulton-Montgomery Community College Cindy F Close in Johnstown, NY (518) 762-4651
4. Hostos Community College Allen Solomon Radiology Technician Program in the Bronx, NY (718) 518-4444
5. Hudson Valley Community College Jeanne S Kelleher Radiology Technician Program in Troy, NY (518) 629-7123
Four-year Radiography Programs
There are currently only two college institutions that offer a four-year degree program in radiologic studies. They are the Long Island University CW Post Campus James Joyce Radiology Technician Program( LS 145 in Brookville, NY, (516) 299-2743) and the SUNY Upstate Medical University Radiology Technician Program (Syracuse, NY, (315) 464-6929).
Radiation Therapy Programs
Radiation therapy programs are currently only offered at four institutions in New York State. They are:
1. Erie Community College Patricia A Bennewitz Radiationa Therapy Program in Buffalo, NY (716) 842-2770
2. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Center Wilson H Apollo Radiology Therapy Program in New York, NY (212) 639-6835
3. Nassau Community College Catherine Quane-Smyth Radiology Therapy Program in Garden City, NY
(516) 572-7550
4. New York Methodist Hospital Mary Reynolds Radiology Therapy Program in Brooklyn, NY (718) 780-3677
Four-year Therapy Programs
Lastly, there are two schools in New York State that offer a four-year therapy program. They are the Manhattan College Joanne Habenicht Radiology Therapy Program (Riverdale, NY, (718) 862-7370) and the SUNY Upstate Medical University Joan O'Brien Radiology Therapy Program (Syracuse, NY, (315) 464-6937).