How to Get a Hemoglobin Boost
Your hemoglobin boost project should begin with learning about iron rich foods. A very short list of iron rich foods include: hot breakfast cereals, cold breakfast cereal, beans, spinach, clams, oysters, liver, raisins, fish, and chicken. Don't forget about iron fortified bread like Wonder Bread.
Head to your kitchen and read the labels there to see what you already have on hand. Make a menu around iron rich foods and pledge to follow the menu to the letter. This action alone can help you to get a hemoglobin boost.
Visit your local grocery store and read the labels there to find the foods with the most iron.
You should be aware that iron is better absorbed when combined with vitamin C rich foods. Pair your iron rich meals with fruits, vegetables, and juices that are loaded with vitamin C.
Get into the habit of taking a daily multi-vitamin with 100% of the RDA of iron. One word of caution, do not try to overload your body with iron just to get a hemoglobin boost - doing so can actually cause more harm than good.
Follow the diet for about a month's time and then try to go back and donate blood, your hemoglobin should be adequate at this point. Remember, you will be doing two great things at once: donating life saving blood, and taking better care of your body.