About Radiology Scheduling Jobs
If the job title isn't indication enough, a radiology scheduler would be the primary point person for scheduling radiologic examinations. They would take, register and confirm appointments for their specific department of care. However, there job duties don't just stop there. Most people who work as a radiology scheduler will need a certain amount of knowledge on the actual procedures that are run in the department, as they'll most likely be required to give some explanation of the examination to the patients. This doesn't mean they'll need to know everything inside and out, just the basic procedures.
Other Duties
While a great deal of your time will entail the scheduling of appoints, you'll also be performing some general filing of reports, records and requisitions, handle departmental inquiries, assist in ordering key supplies (folders, papers, labels, etc), understand routing information, handle patient histories and have a basic understanding of computers, since this will be the general mode of scheduling, reporting and pulling information.
Generally, a person who would be ideal for this sort of position would have some college education, involving an exposure to medical terminology as well as medical secretarial training. Some medical facility may actually require a two-year degree, but equivalent experience will usually fulfill this particular prerequisite. You'll also need to have some experience with a computer and a number of different software packages. Yet, most positions of this nature will require a mandatory orientation and training period in-house, which can last anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks. So, don't be deterred if you are unable to match each requirement.
Probably the most important attribute for a person working as a radiology scheduler is good interpersonal skills, since they'll generally be working with a myriad of people, as colleagues, patients or visitors. You'll need to considerate and accommodating while still maintaining your regular duties. An attention to detail is also key to success in this sort of position, as you'll handling a number of different schedules, not just patients, but the doctors and technicians as well. Along with these proficiencies, you'll also need fairly good communication skills, since you'll need to understand somewhat complex information revolving radiology and be able to impart these facts and records confidently.
While having all these various skills and background is ideal, it is also fairly important to have a general interest in the field of radiology. When someone isn't engaged in what they're doing on a daily basis, it can lead to burnout. And, this frame of mind isn't beneficial for your or the department.