Requirements to Become an RN
Most registered nurses work in a healthcare facility. They normally have more contact with their patients than the doctors themselves and because of this are normally the first to recognize problems in patients or be concerned about progress. The responsibilities of an RN include observing patients symptoms and documenting them, devising a care plan, taking vital statistics, administering shots, providing emotional support to patients and their families and overseeing licensed practical nurses and nurse assistants just to name a few.
In order to become an RN you must complete either a Bachelor's degree, an Associates degree, or obtain a nursing diploma through a hospital. A Bachelor's degree will give you many hours of hands on experience in the field, is offered through most universities, and can be completed in four years. An Associate's can be completed in two to three years at most community colleges. The nursing diploma programs normally take three years to complete. Many schools are offering fast paced RN training programs due to the critical shortage of nurses. Once you have completed your training, you will be required to pass a national licensing exam (NCLEX-RN). Some states also require those seeking licensure to pass a state licensing exam.
The average salary for an RN in the United States is $57,000 but varies by state and background. Those RNs working in a more specialized area are more likely to have more responsibilities and earn higher salaries. As our society ages and our average life span improves, the need for nurses continues to grow. Many hospitals are facing nursing shortages and are offering signing bonuses to RNs who sign contracts with them. Other benefits include family-friendly scheduling and tuition reimbursement for continuing education.
If you are a people person with an interest in the medical field, becoming an RN may be right up your alley. As an RN you are part of a team of caregivers, you must be able to collaborate and take direction from others. It is important to keep in mind that nursing is a very demanding career both physically and emotionally. You are on your feet all day as an RN and may experience muscle strains from lifting patients. It is also important to keep in mind the illnesses you may be exposed to. If you are a person with a weak immune system becoming an RN may be something you think twice about.
Before enrolling in any RN program check to be sure it is an accredited program. See the Resources section for a link. Receiving RN training through an accredited program ensures the student will receive quality instruction which will prepare her to pass the licensure exam and begin a career as an RN.