About the Medical Dictionary
The first available medical dictionary was written by William Alexander Newman Dorland, AM, MD and published in 1890. It was called the "American Illustrated Medical Dictionary." The next version was a pocket size book called the "American Pocket Medical Dictionary." It consisted of 500 pages and was published in 1898. In 1956 the titles were changed to use Dorland's name and its popularity increased from that point on.
Of all the different types of medical dictionaries that are now available, there are three major names that lead the way in the industry--Stedman's, Taber's, and Dorland's. There are multiple versions of each both for providers and for general use. New versions are coming available every year. All three of these dictionaries are available online as well as in print form.
Medical dictionaries contain a large volume of medical knowledge that not only is helpful for both doctors and medical students, but in general use for the public as well. These dictionaries provide helpful information on medical abbreviations, test procedures, over-the-counter or prescription medications and illnesses. Also, there is basic information about anatomy, diseases, drugs and physiology. Each dictionary contains it own variety of information, sometimes with detailed pictures, depending upon the particular audience that it is geared towards.
Medical dictionaries serve as a useful tool for medical professionals, students and the public alike. The widespread availability makes it easy for anyone who has a medical question to access the answers from the Internet or from the pocket size versions that almost all major medical dictionary publishers provide. They are a great asset for medical students as it provides them with answers in a single website or book.
Medical dictionaries are not intended for treatment or diagnoses information in place of a visit to an actual health care professional. They are intended to be used as tools to assist medical professionals, not for the general public to diagnose themselves. Medical dictionaries are a helpful asset to the medical field and in educating the general public.