What is Dialysis Tubing?
The main purpose of dialysis tubing is to help a patient with kidney failure. The tubing is hooked up to a machine that artificially cleans out a person's body like a kidney. The tubes do this through a process of osmosis, filtering the toxins out of the body just like a kidney would. It is possible to be hooked up to dialysis tubes temporarily or permanently depending on the type of dialysis being used. Hemodialysis is the temporary kind, and is done purely through artificial means. Peritoneal dialysis uses the intestines as well as the tubing to filter toxins and can remain in the body for years.
Dialysis tubing is a wonderful medical invention. Without dialysis tubing many medical patients who lost kidney functions would die very quickly. It is almost impossible to live without any functioning kidneys for any length of time. Dialysis tubing has given these people a way to function without kidneys until they can get a new one, or for some people, remain without one at all. Without dialysis tubing many people would die a lot sooner. People who have dialysis tubing inside them must follow very strict diet and fluid intake plans to keep their bodies healthy and to not overload the small filters.
Dialysis tubing is about the size of a quarter in diameter. It is made of cellophane or cellulose plastics. The tubing is small enough to fit into almost anyone's intestinal track. Even small children have been able to receive dialysis care. The fact that it is so small however, makes it less functional than a real kidney. For this reason people who have dialysis tubing inside them must stick to a very strict diet. They also have to be more careful in their activities than most people.
The best way to prevent ever needing dialysis tubing is to take care of the kidneys already present in the body. Eating well and exercising are great ways to keep the body strong and healthy. It is also important to keep drinking and smoking at a minimum, as these can be very bad for the kidneys as well. However, for some people there is nothing that can be done to heal a kidney. Sometimes parts of the body break down without anything else being wrong in a person's life. Still, it is best to keep as pure a diet as possible to avoid kidney issues.
There are many great benefits to using dialysis tubing. Not only do many people get to live in result, but it is a benefit to the medical profession and families of kidney patients as well. With dialysis tubing people's lives can be extended and they can live almost normally again. This helps them and their families. The medical industry benefits from dialysis tubing as well, because it opens up more jobs in the medical community, and helps increase their reputation for saving lives.