About Portable Ultrasounds
A portable ultrasound serves the same function as an immobile one: It presents doctors and other interested parties with a view of the inside of the body. Ultrasounds can help doctors determine how old a fetus is and look for internal problems like tumors and other abnormal growths.
Portable ultrasounds are about the size of a large laptop computer. They have a screen and a medical keyboard for viewing and navigating around the picture. They operate on batteries, so users do not need a reliable source of power to use a portable ultrasound.
Portable ultrasounds can help doctors in rural areas or in undeveloped countries avoid major medical miscalculations. For example, a Liberian woman nearly agreed to have labor induced at 32 weeks--which meant that she was not even due yet--because she believed she was 40 weeks pregnant. However, a portable ultrasound told the real story, and the baby was saved from an induced premature delivery.
Time Frame
Portable ultrasounds do not take any longer to work than regular ultrasounds. They can acquire and transmit data almost instantaneously. Usually, performing an ultrasound with a portable ultrasound machine will take no longer than 10 minutes.
Portable ultrasounds have changed the way in which doctors work. While medical professionals in urban areas have enjoyed the benefits of ultrasounds for years, many in rural areas were compelled to work mostly on anecdotal evidence, as many patients were unwilling or unable to travel to the nearest location of an ultrasound device. Now, all doctors can take advantage of the major technological advancement that is the portable ultrasound.
Many people are afraid of ultrasounds, portable or otherwise, because they have historically been large, rather loud machines that appeared quite intimidating. However, in reality, an ultrasound is noninvasive and can make a huge difference in a doctor's perception of what may be going on inside your body. Portable ultrasounds are helping to dispel this unwarranted fear via their sleek and miniature appearance.