How to Train a Surgical Technologist
Require your surgical technologists to complete at least basic coursework in surgical technology. Surgical technology programs are offered by community colleges and other educational institutions. Some example schools that offer surgical technology programs include Virginia College located in Birmingham, Alabama; the Bryman School located in Phoenix, Arizona and the Colorado Technical University in Pueblo, Colorado. Coursework for these programs will usually include classes in medical terminology, physiology, anatomy, microbiology, anesthesia techniques, general patient care, surgical pharmacology, surgical procedures and OSHA standards.
Cover the administrative tasks that your surgical technologist will need to complete. This includes making entries in patient charts for medication dosages, treatments performed and patient vital signs. Other administrative tasks that she will need to learn how to do include how to fill out and submit incident reports, how to fill out and submit supply requests and how to fill out and submit time sheets.
Train your surgical technologist in the procedures that he will complete during the pre-operative phase of surgery. During this phase of the surgery the technician needs to prepare himself for entering a sterile field by scrubbing with antibacterial soap and donning scrubs, mask, gloves and a cap. Next he needs to learn how to prepare the operating room for the surgery by picking out the right equipment and supplies for the surgery, setting them up on a tray and counting them to make sure all the pieces are ready. Next they need to learn how to create a sterile field inside the operating room, this includes helping other surgery team members prep for entering the sterile field, such as by helping them to put on their aprons and gloves. You can use on-the-job training, in-house seminars or simulation drills to teach these skils.
Focus on training your surgical technologist in the procedures that she will complete during the operations. For example, you will need to train her on how to monitor the equipment that your surgery facility uses to monitor the patient's vital signs, as well as the equipment used to control oxygen and anesthetic gases to the patient. You will also need to train your surgical technologist on how to assist doctors during the surgery, how to safely pass instruments to the medical team, how to keep track of equipment and supplies being used and how to handle the biological specimens removed during a surgery. Many of these skills will have been covered in their education, however, on-the-job training in these areas will help to cement the skills.
Cover post operative tasks that the surgical technologist will need to do on the job, such as handling used equipment and supplies, sterilizing the equipment in an autoclave, cleaning the operating room and making the final entries into the patient's surgery log. This training can be handled with on-the-job training and via surgery room observations.