How to Insert a Foley Catheter
Things You'll Need
- Catheter kit
- Absorbent pad or blue chuck
Gather your supplies. Using an Indwelling Foley Catheter Tray with a 10 cc balloon is the best option than gathering everything seperately.
Explain the procedure to the patient. Let them know what to expect, especially if they have never had a catheter before. Take time to answer any questions they might have.
Wash your hands before beginning the procedure. This is proper infection control practice in health care.
Assist the patient into supine (laying on their back) position with legs spread. This is the easiest position to gain access for catheter placement.
Open catheterization kit. Remove the sterile drape in the kit and place over the procedure area. It is also a good idea to place an absorbent pad, like a blue chuck, under the patient. This will help to catch any extra fluid.
Apply the sterile gloves. Open the betadine in the kit and pour over the cotton balls in the kit. Next, remove the plastic cover from the catheter (be careful not to touch the catheter tube) and squirt the lubricating jelly onto the catheter. Once that is done, remove the rubber cap from the syringe with the water in it.
Test to make sure that the balloon inflates and deflates properly. Attach the pre-filled syringe in the kit to the "Y" pigtail port and insert all of the water from the syringe. Next, deflate the ballon. Do not remove the syringe, as it will need to be in inflated after catheter insertion.
Clean the urinary opening. If the patient is female, separate labia using the non-dominant hand. The non-dominant hand will become the "dirty hand." This hand should not touch any of the sterile items in the kit. If male, hold the penis with the non-dominant hand. Using the dominant hand, cleanse peri-urethral mucosa with cleansing solution. Cleanse anterior to posterior, inner to outer, one swipe per swab, discard swab away from sterile field.
Pick up catheter with gloved (and still sterile) dominant hand. Hold end of catheter loosely coiled in palm of dominant hand. Insert into urethral opening (female). In the male, lift the penis to a position perpendicular to patient's body and apply light upward traction (with non-dominant hand). Identify the urinary meatus and gently insert until 1 to 2 inches beyond where urine is noted.
Inflate balloon, using correct amount of sterile liquid (usually 10 cc but check actual balloon size). Once inflated, gently pull catheter until the inflated balloon is snug against bladder neck. Next, connect catheter to drainage system. Place drainage bag below level of bladder, but not on the floor. Evaluate catheter function and amount, color, odor and quality of urine
Remove gloves, dispose of equipment appropriately, wash hands. Document size of catheter inserted, amount of water in balloon, patient's response to procedure, and assessment of urine.