How to Contact a Local Coroner
Look up the local coroner's phone number in the blue pages of the local phone book. It is listed under county government.
Call the local coroner's office. Sometimes the coroner himself answers the phone. Otherwise, ask to speak with the coroner. You may not reach the coroner but can talk to one of the assistant coroners or another member of the staff who might be able to help you.
Leave a message for the coroner if you want to speak with him directly. You may have to inform the message taker or the voicemail service why you are calling. Leave a brief message with your phone number. Follow up on the call in two days, if you don't hear back from him immediately.
Acquire the mailing address for the local coroner's office in the phone book blue pages. Write the coroner a letter with your name, address, phone number and email address. Send the letter via certified mail if your inquiry is important and you want to ensure it arrives.
Go to your local coroner's website. Find his email address and send him an email. Also look to see if the website has a "Contact Us" form that you can fill out and submit.