How to Report Healthcare Fraud to the FBI
Gather as much information as possible about the suspected healthcare fraud. Names of clinics, doctors, and pharmacists including addresses and phone numbers should be handy.
Make copies of specific examples of indiscretions, such as bills, and keep a diary of all phone calls including dates, times and who you spoke with and the outcome of the phone call.
Visit the FBI's website and click on the "Submit a Crime Tip" link to report health care fraud. Along with information about the suspected health care fraud, you are required to list personal information such as your name, address and phone number.
Report the health care fraud to your local FBI office in person or by phone. The FBI's website has a complete listing of local offices searchable alphabetically or by state or zip code.
Call the National Blue Cross Blue Shield Anti Fraud Hotline at (877) 327-2583 or email [email protected]. Even if your insurance provider isn't Blue Cross Blue Shield, this is the department that the FBI recommends contacting to report healthcare fraud.