How to Start a Health & Wellness Ministry in Your Church
Talk with the pastor of your church about your interest in starting a health and wellness ministry. Explain why you think a health and wellness ministry at your church will benefit your community and discuss the types of activities such a ministry might entail. You'll need approval from your pastor to proceed.
Ask your pastor to make an announcement about the start of a health and wellness ministry during the next church service or to allow you a moment to make the announcement at the next service. Ask your pastor to include something about the ministry in the next church bulletin, as well. Post an announcement on a church bulletin board if your church has a bulletin board for announcements. Provide your telephone number and ask interested members of the congregation to contact you.
Schedule a meeting with interested members of the congregation to discuss the health and wellness ministry.
Discuss the various possible activities for the health and wellness ministry at the meeting and select two or three activities to begin first. Consider things like a blood pressure screening, a screening for high cholesterol, a blood drive, an exercise or yoga class, a support group for people dealing with the loss of a loved one or a chronic illness, a flu shot clinic, a CPR class or a class about nutrition for diabetics. Talk about whether a member of the congregation is qualified to lead the chosen activities or if you'll need to contact a professional for assistance. Decide who will contact which professionals.
Ask your pastor to announce the scheduled activities or to allow you to make an announcement at the next church service. Also ask your pastor to include a notice about the scheduled activities in the church bulletin.