How to Fill a Ritter M11 UltraClave
Things You'll Need
- 1.4 gal. of distilled or demineralized water
Place your Ritter M11 UltraClave on a heat-resistant, flat surface near an electrical outlet. Plug in the power cord.
Pull the latch on the front right of the autoclave toward you to open the sterilization chamber door.
Pour demineralized or distilled water into the rounded rectangular fill hole at the top, left corner of the open unit. Stop pouring when the water level in the fill level indicator tube below the fill hole is at the top of the red-green fill level label.
Turn the printer on if your unit is equipped with a printer. Clean all instruments to be sterilized with an ultrasonic cleaner if necessary, to remove all visible waste.
Dry the instruments thoroughly and lay them on the proper trays as recommended in your user's manual for the type and number of instruments you need to sterilize.
Insert all trays in the sterilization chamber and press the "On-Standby" button at the bottom left of the control panel at the top right of the autoclave.
Press the button corresponding to one of the four available sterilization programs (Unwrapped, Pouches, Liquid or Packs) to start the unit.
Wait until the entire sterilization cycle and the 30-minute drying phase have completed before you open the chamber and remove the sterile instruments. You will hear five series of three audible beeps and the "Complete" lamp will flash on as soon as the process is over. Store the instruments under proper sterile conditions or use them immediately.
Press the "On-Standby" button again to return to standby mode or repeat Steps 4 through 8 to sterilize additional instruments.
Clean the unit and drain the reservoir on a monthly basis according to the directions in your user's manual.