What's the Difference Between BlueCare & AmeriChoice?
Business Aspects
AmeriChoice is a business that is part of UnitedHealth Group. UnitedHealth Group also serves people through programs like Medicaid, Medicare and Children's Health Insurance Programs. AmeriChoice's Personal Care Model "features direct member contact by clinical staff who work to build a support network" for most ill patients, according to AmeriChoice's website. BlueCare comes in different forms depending on state. For example, BlueCare is a part of the BlueCross BlueShield network in both North Carolina and Tennessee.
States Available
AmeriChoice is mostly available in the Northeast and Southeast in states like New York, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Washington, D.C., Maryland, Tennessee, South Carolina, Mississippi and Florida. The health care plan is also an option in Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, Texas, Arizona and Nevada. BlueCare is available in all states, and each state has a BlueCross BlueShield representative.
BlueCare provides a traditionally managed care plan for businesses and employees. In each state, there are different programs and details when it comes to individual deductibles, family deductibles and coinsurance. This health care plan also offers the Health Line Blue that gives patients 24-hour confidential health information. AmeriChoice also varies by state. For example, in Tennessee, AmeriChoice offers residents health plans in both TennCare (Medicaid) and AmeriChoice Secure Plus Complete (Medicare).
Additional Services
In some states, BlueCare provides routine vision and dental services for members under the age of 21. These services are available for members over 21 if it is due to an illness or accidental injury. AmeriChoice's additional health services also depend on state, age and health quality of members. Patients should check to see which services are available in their respective states.
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