Low Income Help for Eyeglasses in Kansas
According to the Johnson County Human Services Department in Kansas, the state's Medicaid program provides a full range of optometric services to all Medicaid recipients. Every four years, adults over age 21 can obtain an eye examination and select one pair of prescription eyeglasses. Children under age 21 also receive comprehensive vision benefits, but with annual examinations and fewer restrictions on benefits for corrective lenses.
Medicaid income eligibility guidelines vary by covered categories of the population. The state extends coverage to low-income children, parents of children, pregnant women, the blind, the elderly and disabled individuals. For example, pregnant women in Kansas with household incomes of up to 150 percent of the federal poverty limit qualify for Medicaid coverage, whereas children age one through five only qualify with household income at or below 133 percent of the federal poverty limit. Children under age 19 with household incomes too high for Medicaid and below 241 percent of the federal poverty limit may instead qualify for Kansas HealthWave 21, which provides the same types of coverage for children -- including eyeglasses -- by charging parents a monthly premium between $20 and $75.
Several charities exist for the sole purpose of delivering quality eye examinations, treatments or corrective services to low-income individuals who otherwise cannot afford optometric care. For example, low-income children and adults can obtain free eyeglasses through the New Eyes for the Needy program, a non-profit organization that assists uninsured individuals with incomes at or below the federal poverty limit. The program does not provide eye examinations, however, so applicants must obtain an eyeglass prescription before applying for the program. VisionUSA may be able to help with free eye exams and treatment for eye diseases for working adults and their families. Kansas residents can access VisionUSA's free services by contacting the Kansas Optometric Association in Topeka at 785-232-0225.
In Kansas, as in other states, Medicare pays for many health benefits, but excludes coverage for eyeglasses for most senior citizens. It will pay for an eye exam and prescription, however, for those who suffer with, or have a family history of, glaucoma or diabetes. The exam requires a 20 percent copay, and is subject to Medicare Part B deductible.