How to Write a Referral Appeal
Change the margins of your document to one inch on all size. Choose a professional and easy to read font like Arial or Times New Roman. The font size should be 12 point. Align the format to the left.
Type in your name on the first line of the document with your address underneath. Skip a space, then type the date. The date should be typed out completely, such as December 31, 2018. Skip another space and add the doctor's name that you are addressing the letter to. Underneath their name put the name of the medical practice followed by the practice's address underneath.
Skip to lines and add your salutation. Address your letter to your physician by name. For example, "To Dr. John Doe." After the doctor's last name use a colon. Skip a line underneath the salutation.
Describe yourself in paragraph one. Tell the doctor how many years you have been seeing him or her and tell them why you are sending them this appeal. Tell them your age and some of your relevant medical history. Include the date you last requested them to refer you to the specialist and why they said you did not need to see the specialist. Do not indent this paragraph and skip a line after completing this paragraph.
Describe your symptoms that warrant you needing the specialist's help in paragraph two. Write about how these symptoms are affecting your everyday life and why you need them taken care of. Do not indent this paragraph and skip a line after you have finished it.
Add your closing. You can choose one that you like for example, "Thank you" or "Sincerely." Add a comma after your closing and skip four lines, then type out your full name.
Proofread your letter for spelling and grammar. Then print out your letter and sign it in between your salutation and typed name. Your letter is now ready to be mailed.