Can a Person in South Carolina Working Part Time Get Medicaid?
Low Income Families
Low income families with at least one child under the age of 18 are eligible for Medicaid benefits. The family must have less than $30,000 in resources. As of 2009, the net income limit for a family of two is $608 per month.
In addition, transitional Medicaid benefits are available for up to 24 months from the time the family's income makes them ineligible for Medicaid. If the family become ineligible because of increased child support payments, a benefit extension is available for up to four months.
The Partners for Healthy Children eligibility group provides Medicaid for children under the age of 19 if their family's income is less than 200 percent of the federal poverty level. As of 2011, the poverty level in South Carolina is $14,710 for a family of two. Additionally, children who require medical care for an adoption to go through are eligible for Medicaid under a State Adoption Assistance Agreement. Parents of these families may work part-time without affecting the child's Medicaid eligibility.
Disabled Individuals
Disabled individuals who are working qualify for Medicaid based on their family or individual income level. Family income may not exceed 250 percent of the federal poverty level. If family income exceeds this amount, individuals may still be eligible if their own unearned income is less than 100 percent of the federal poverty level and their resources do not exceed $6,680.
Supplemental Security Income
Medicaid in South Carolina is also available to people who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) from the Social Security Administration. Individuals who are blind, disabled or over the age of 65 are eligible to receive SSI if they have less than $2,000 in resources such as a bank account, vehicles and life insurance, and earn less than $1,433 in wages or have income less than $694 from other sources as of 2011. Couples may have up to $3,000 in resources and earn up to $2,107 in wages or up to $1,031 in other sources of income.
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