How to Change a Medicare Insurance Carrier
Obtain a Medicare Part C brochure that outlines your options, including a comprehensive list of Medicare Advantage plan providers. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services makes these available on (see Resource). You can also request hard copies by calling the toll-free Medicare customer service line.
Review your options, and decide which plan best fits your needs and budget. You can enlist the help of the Medicare customer service center, representatives of the various insurance companies as well as insurance brokers who specialize in Medicare Advantage plans.
Use the Medicare online enrollment system to elect a new Medicare Advantage plan carrier during the open enrollment period of Oct. 15 to Dec. 7. Alternatively, you may request open enrollment forms from the Medicare customer service center. From Jan. 1 to Feb. 14, you may request to drop Medicare Advantage and return to original Medicare, however, you cannot begin a Part D prescription plan until after Feb. 14.
Contact Medicare for enrollment and change forms if you qualify for a special enrollment period (see Resource). Common reasons for a special enrollment period include moving and entrance into long-term care facility. You will need to inform Medicare representatives and provide proof of your qualifying event in order to receive an enrollment packet.