Free Health Insurance in Nevada
Nevada Medicaid
Low-income families, individuals, pregnant women, disabled individuals and medically needy people have access to free health insurance through the Nevada Medicaid program. The income requirements for eligibility vary categorically. For example, a pregnant woman and children up to age five have access to Medicaid with household incomes of up to 133 percent of the federal poverty limit, whereas a child age six or older will not qualify with a household income that exceeds 100 percent of the federal poverty limit.
Nevada Check Up
The Nevada Check Up Program is Nevada's version of the State Children's Health Insurance Plan, or S-CHIP. Children under age 19 from households that make too much to qualify for Medicaid may instead qualify for coverage under Nevada Check Up, so long as they do not have other health insurance at the time they apply for coverage. The state requires that the gross household income of its Nevada Check Up enrollees be no more than 200 percent of the federal poverty level. Though the S-CHIP program in Nevada is not free, it costs a mere $10 to $50 per quarter, depending on household size and income. Premium payments are due on the first day of each quarter, beginning with January 1st of each year.
Both the Nevada Medicaid and Nevada Check Up programs provide comprehensive health benefits to enrollees. Each program provides payment for ambulance transfers, routine vaccinations, doctor's visits, maternity care, diagnostic lab and x-ray work, emergency care and hospital services. The programs also include benefits for prescription drugs and family planning supplies and counseling.
There are several locations throughout Nevada at which residents may apply for Medicaid coverage. If you are unsure as to whether or not you qualify for Medicaid, contact the Nevada Medicaid Central Office at 775-684-3600. If you qualify, you may apply for the program at your local Division of Welfare and Supportive Service office branch or at a community outreach site, such as a hospital. To apply for Nevada Check Up coverage, you may complete and submit an application online at the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services website, or you may print, complete and mail an application to the Nevada Check Up Program. For help completing your application, call 877-543-7669. If the state accepts your application and enrolls you in coverage, expect yearly requests for updated information to be sure of your continual qualification for enrollment.