Massachusetts Health Insurance for Children
State Laws
In 2006, Massachusetts implemented an individual mandate that every resident maintain health insurance coverage. The law was part of a health reform bill that sought to extend health coverage to every Massachusetts resident. The law includes children, for whom parents are responsible for purchasing health insurance coverage. The vast majority of Massachusetts residents either have health insurance for themselves and their children through an employer's group plan, or else qualify and participate in a government-subsidized health plan. As of 2008, only 2 percent of Massachusetts residents purchased individual, private health insurance according to the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured and data from the Commonwealth ConnectorBoard.
Massachusetts participates in the federal Medicaid and CHIP programs that are both federally and government-funded to help low- to middle-income families achieve access to quality health coverage. Referred to as MassHealth, the state combines both programs in one. The amount of money parents pay for a child's enrollment in the program, as well as medical services filed under a MassHealth policy, depends on household size and income. As of March 2011, children from households with incomes as high as 400 percent of the federal poverty limit qualified for Medicaid or CHIP coverage through MassHealth.
Massachusetts has a MassHealth Enrollment Center that handles applications for health coverage and answers questions about eligibility and coverage. The toll-free number to apply for coverage is 1-888-665-9993, or applicants may download and print an application from the MassHealth website. Many community health centers also have applications on hand. Applicants must provide proof of legal Massachusetts residency, as well as proof of income.
The Affordable Care Act
In 2010, President Barack Obama and Congress established The Affordable Care Act, which quickly implemented health insurance laws to protect children from unfair insurance discrimination. No longer can a private health insurer in any state, including Massachusetts, deny health coverage to a child under age 19 because of a pre-existing medical condition. Though government-subsidized health plans never denied coverage for medical reasons, private health insurers did prior to the passage of the federal health law. Today, parents can apply for private health insurance for their children without fear of a coverage denial.