Wisconsin Health Insurance Plan Options
Individual Health Insurance
Individual health insurance, also called private health insurance, is an option if you do not have access to group health insurance. Individual policies are available to Wisconsin residents from carriers such as Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, WPS Health Insurance, United Healthcare and Humana. You can contact each carrier through their website to learn more about individual health plan options in your area. You can also apply online on the carriers' website or apply through a health insurance agent licensed in Wisconsin. Individual plans include HMOs, PPO and High-Deductible Health Plans.
Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan
If you have a pre-existing health condition, you may not be able to obtain individual health insurance. Insurers may deny you coverage or offer you a policy at a very high cost. If you have been denied coverage or cannot afford coverage due to a pre-existing health condition, you can get coverage, per the federal Affordable Care Act. Wisconsin residents can obtain insurance through the federally managed Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan. You can apply for this plan online or by mail. Call (608) 221-5315 or (888) 253-2698 for more information about the HIRSP Federal Plan for Wisconsin residents.
BadgerCare Plus
BadgerCare Plus is a state-sponsored health insurance program for Wisconsin residents who are financially needy. Eligibility is based on income and is available to qualifying children, pregnant women, individuals aging out of foster care, farmers and self-employed individuals among others. BadgerCare Plus offers several plans including a Standard Plan, the Benchmark Plan and the Core Plan in addition to prenatal and family planning services. To find out if you are eligible, you can apply for benefit online through the ACCESS system or by calling the Wisconsin Department of Health Services at (800) 362-3002.
Wisconsin Medicaid
Medicaid is a health insurance program funded jointly by the state of Wisconsin and the federal government for residents over 65 or those who are blind or have a disability. The Wisconsin Medicaid program offers several options including the Medicaid Standard Plan, Long-Term Care plans, Institutional Medicaid coverage and various waivers, family care and other plans based on need and circumstance. To apply for Wisconsin Medicaid programs, apply online, send an application by mail, by phone or in person at your local agency. Call (800) 362-3002 to receive an application and find your local agency office.