How to File With Secondary Insurance
Provide your doctors' office with both your primary and secondary insurance information. You should provide them with a copy of your insurance ID card that contains your name, date of birth and member ID number. Most often, your doctor will file claims on your behalf, especially if you seek care from a provider in your insurance plan's network.
File your claim with your primary insurer first. Your primary insurer is responsible for paying first. The primary plan will process the claim and notify you upon payment of the claim. Your provider will often handle this step for you and receive reimbursement directly from the insurance company.
Review the explanation of benefits (EOB) statement from your primary insurer. The EOB will state how much was paid and how much you owe for the services you received. The EOB will contain details about the services received including procedures, provider names and dates of service.
File the original claim with your secondary insurance carrier and include the EOB from the primary carrier. The secondary plan will supplement where the primary plan left off. This may include additional out-of-pocket costs that would typically be your responsibility to pay if you did not have supplemental coverage.
Pay any remaining balance after the primary and secondary insurers have processed the claim. Certain fees such as co-payments and co-insurance are typically the responsibility of the member and not the insurer to pay. Your doctor will send you an invoice for any remaining balance that was not paid at the time of the visit or by your insurance companies.
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