How to Cancel TennCare
Identify why you need to cancel group coverage. Determine which of the three possibilities fits your situation. The three possibilities for canceling coverage include losing eligibility, becoming eligible for another plan or possessing knowledge of no practicing dentist in your area.
Contact your agency benefits coordinator or call 1-866-311-4287, if you are canceling coverage as a result of losing eligibility.
Fill out the Insurance Cancellation Request Application or call 1-800-253-9981, if you are newly eligible for another program or have found no dental providers within 40 miles of home. See resource below for the Insurance Cancellation Request Application.
Submit the application and proof of eligibility to your benefits coordinator within 60 days from the date of event pertaining to eligibility status, if you or your dependents are newly eligible for another plan. Locate your benefits coordinator by calling 1-866-311-4287.
Follow-up in five business days after submission, to ensure your coverage is cancelled or your new coverage is active.