Health Insurance & Medicaid Information in Illinois
Illinois Medicaid
The Illinois Medicaid program offers medical insurance to eligible low-income Illinois residents. Medicaid covers households with children, pregnant women, seniors, disabled persons, and medically needy individuals. Some services covered by the Illinois Medicaid program include outpatient and inpatient services, laboratory and X-ray services, nursing home services, physician services and Early and Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT). You must meet income guidelines to qualify for Medicaid. If you are a pregnant woman or have an infant, your annual income cannot exceed 200% of the federal poverty level. If you have a child between the ages of 1 and 19, your annual income cannot exceed 133% of the federal poverty level. Medically needy individuals' income level cannot exceed 40% of the federal poverty level, and medically needy couples' income level cannot exceed 39% of federal poverty level.
All Kids
The Illinois All Kids Program provides insurance coverage for all kids under 18 years old residing in Illinois regardless of the family's income level and immigration status. Currently, over 1.3 million kids are enrolled in the All Kids Program. Some of the services covered by the program include hospital and doctor visits, prescription drugs, immunizations, vision and dental care and physical therapy. Children currently covered under an insurance plan or who have lost coverage may qualify for All Kids if certain income requirements are met. The maximum annual income for a two-person household is $29,000 per year. The maximum annual income for a three-person household is $37,000 per year. The maximum annual income for a four-person household is $44,000 per year. The maximum annual income for a five-person household is $52,000 per year.
Family Care
The Family Care Program offers insurance coverage to parents or guardians with children under the age of 18. Family Care covers doctor visits, dental and vision care, prescription drugs, hospital services and emergency care. Parents can receive coverage under Family Care if they have U.S. citizenship or meet immigration requirements. If covered by Family Care, you are required to pay monthly premiums between $15 and $40, and co-payments for doctor visits from $2 to $3. There are several Family Care plans and eligibility depends on your income. For the Family Assist Plan, the maximum monthly income for a family size of one is $1,207. The maximum monthly income for a family size of two is $1,630. The maximum monthly income for a family size of three is $2,054. The maximum monthly income for a family size of four is $2,477.
Workers with Disabilities
The state of Illinois offers the Health Benefits for Workers with Disabilities (HBWD) Program for eligible disabled workers in Illinois. Individuals with incomes that do not exceed 350% of the federal poverty level may receive coverage for a monthly premium, which is based on their income. You will receive a statement in the mail, and monthly premiums are due by the 20th of each month. You must have U.S. citizenship or legal immigration status, and be between the ages of 16 and 64. You must have a disability defined by the Social Security Administration and be employed or self-employed. You must have countable assets less than $25,000, which includes stocks and bonds, checking and savings accounts, vehicles, and property. For eligibility, the maximum monthly income for a one-person household is $3,176. The maximum monthly income for a two-person household is $4,290. The maximum monthly income for a three-person household is $5,405. The maximum monthly income for a four-person household is $6,519.