How to Get a TRICARE Prime plan
Log on to the Beneficiary Web Enrollment Web Site (see Resources).
Click on "Log On" and select your preferred authentication method. You can use your log-in from your Common Access Card (CAC), DoD Self-Service Logon (DSLogon), or DFAS Account (myPay). If you do not know any of your log-ins, contact your military commander for details.
Follow the instructions to complete your TRICARE Prime enrollment. You can update your address, change your primary care manager (PCM) and make any other changes. Once your application is complete, your enrollment is complete and you should receive documents within two weeks confirming your enrollment via mail.
Vist your local TRICARE Service Center and submit the TRICARE Prime Enrollment and PCM Change Form (see Resources) if you do not want to enroll online. The TRICARE Prime Enrollement and PCM Change Form is easy to fill out. You enter your contact information, choice of care facility, Social Security number and payment information if your plan requires you to pay. You also can mail the completed form to the regional contractor for your region. The addresses are located on the TRICARE website in the Via Mail instructions (see Resources).