Accident Prevention Safety Topics
Accident Prevention at Home
Topics include all areas of the house. For example, one topic is how to prevent falls by installing grab bars in showers and bathtubs, or having well-working lights near stairwells to prevent accidents. Consider the importance of having fire alarms in different parts of the house, as well as a carbon monoxide detector. Other subject areas include keeping poisons away from children and pets, keeping small objects away from children and staying away from the stove top when cooking.
Accident Prevention at School
Discuss the ways in which gym teachers, nurses and coaches can be prepared to deal with injuries that may arise in the gym class or during a sporting event. Go through school drills with the students so that already dangerous situations do not become heightened by an accident. Set up a community watch program in the school so that students can anonymously report concerning or suspicious behavior to help prevent a school shooting or bombing.
Accident Prevention at Work
Discuss the ways in which rules at work are meant for a reason, and how people must follow them. For example, they have specific exits that people must go to in a fire in order to prevent confusion and further accidents. People working with chemicals should be advised to always wear proper protective gear on their hands and eyes. People working with personal information need to maintain it in a secure manner as to avoid accidental leaks of clients' addresses, credit cards and so forth.
Accident Prevention: Outdoors
Make sure that someone always knows where you are, so if there is an accident, someone can get to you before the situation becomes more serious. Have enough water and food with you if you are going to be outside for awhile to avoid becoming dehydrated or famished. Carry a first aid kit in either your car or backpack so that injuries can be taken care of as soon as they happen.