Florida Government Health Insurance Aid for Kids
Medicaid is a state-run, federally-subsidized health insurance program intended for the poor and indigent. Medicaid is generally subject to strict means-testing, based on income and assets available, though many states disregard asset-based means testing for pregnant low-income mothers and low-income parents of very young children. In Florida, Medicaid programs are run through several partner agencies, which oversee the delivery of Medicaid benefits to Florida children. The Agency for Health Care Innovation handles children from ages 1 through 4, while the Florida Healthy Kids Corporation handles cases from ages 5 through 18. The Department of Children and Families oversees behavioral health care for children on government assistance.
Childrens Medical Network
If your family income is below 200 percent of the federal poverty level and your child suffers from a chronic or preexisting medical condition, you may be able to get assistance from the Children's Medical Network. The Network covers children through age 18, and oversees a variety of programs for Florida children with special medical needs.
To qualify for state assistance for your child's health care, you and your child must qualify under the following criteria: The child must be under 19, not in an institution, not a dependent of a state employee who is eligible for health insurance and currently uninsured at the time of application. The child or household must meet income requirements and be a U.S. citizen or qualified resident.
No cost is assessed for coverage under KidCare Medicaid in Florida, provided the child is eligible. For other programs, you may have to pay premiums - typically $15-$20 per month. Additionally, co-pays may be charged for some services.