Changing Your Primary Care Manager Under Tricare Prime
Call and check with the provider you wish to see and ensure they are accepting new patients. Let the office know you wish to see them and will be changing your insurance so that the provider is your PCM.
Visit the Humana Military website. Click on "Beneficiary" and then click on "Enrollment." On the right side of the page, click on "Changing your PCM."
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Beneficiary Web Enrollment" to compete the PCM change online. If you wish to simply complete the application and mail it in, click on "PCM Change Form." The address to mail the completed application is listed on the form.
Click on "Enroll Now." Select the way you wish to log on. You may use your Common Access Card (CAC) and pin number to log on, if you are the sponsor, or you may log on with the sponsor's MyPay user id and password.
Click on the name of the family member whom you wish to change the PCM for. Be sure that person is enrolled in Tricare Prime. If not, you must visit a military treatment facility to enroll.
Click on the "Change Primary Care Manager" icon. Search for your new PCM's name and click "change." Confirm the PCM on the confirmation page and click "Submit." Your PCM change will be effective six days after you submit the information.