How to Compare Low-Cost Health Insurance Companies in Virginia
Log on to any health insurance comparison website and search for plans in Virginia. The results will be personalized to your age and will show you the variety of plans available at different costs.
Decide whether you're more interested in an HMO or a PPO. A Health Maintenance Organization plan often offers more coverage and lower out-of-pocket costs, but you have to see doctors selected by the company and must be referred to specialists. A Preferred Provider Organization gives you more choice of doctors -- including specialist visits and second opinions -- but can have varying costs between doctors. Virginia offers both types of plans.
Look at the services covered by the Virginia health insurance plan you're considering. If you're a young, healthy male, good coverage for accidents or injuries may be more important than women's health visits or chemotherapy. If you're looking toward starting a family in Virginia, look at the benefits the plan extends to your spouse and children. Individual coverage levels on plans vary, so be sure you understand what you're accepting before you sign.
Look at the deductible. There are many hospitals and care facilities in Virginia, but you won't be able to utilize everything until you've met your deductible. If you choose a plan that costs $120 but has a $5,000 deductible, you'll pay $5,000 before receiving many real benefits from the plan. Choose the plan you can best afford with the lowest deductible.
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