Wellness Programs Provided by Insurance Companies
Common Wellness Programs
According to the American Institute for Preventative Medicine, the most common types of wellness programs include those that relate to the prevention of diseases, self-care, exercise, smoking cessation, stress reduction and management, mental health and weight control. Insurance companies may also offer wellness programs in the form of support groups, parenting classes and childbirth-preparation classes. An insurance company might offer wellness programs to a community with a reduced rate for members, or it might offer programs exclusively to their customers at a low cost as an incentive to participate.
Health Screenings
It is common for an insurance company to offer health screenings to members at a free or reduced price. A member can access a screening at her doctor's office or at a clinic provided by the health insurance company. Assessments can include cholesterol tests, height and weight comparisons to evaluate an individual's body mass index (BMI), blood pressure tests and confidential questionnaires. Health screenings help you learn about your risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some forms of cancer.
Group Programs
Insurance companies also may offer wellness programs in the form of peer groups. The leader of a peer group is generally a healthcare professional, such as a nurse or doctor, who facilitates group discussions and provides expert information. The American Institute for Preventative Medicine states that it is sometimes difficult to find participants willing to attend group wellness programs because of time constraints. Common wellness group programs include smoking cessation, weight loss, becoming a new parent, grief or learning to live or care for a person with a serious health condition.
Self-Help Materials
Self-help materials are provided in various forms of media that allow a policyholder to learn about a topic or complete an independent wellness program on his own time. These program materials are particularly beneficial for those who cannot attend a wellness group or are unwilling to do so. An insurance company may provide the phone number of a hotline or a nurse-advice line an insured can call with questions or for support. Self-help materials range from those that help individuals lose weight to those that help cancer patients and caregivers learn more about the disease and necessary care.