New York Health Insurance Options
Healthy NY
Healthy NY is a state insurance program dedicated to individuals, sole proprietors and small businesses. Healthy NY is for individuals without insurance for the last 12 months or who lost their insurance coverage because of loss of employment, divorce or death of a family member. You may still qualify for the insurance program if you lose your insurance because of other specific events. You or your spouse must have worked in the last 12 months and must meet the income guidelines set by the state to qualify. The maximum monthly income for a 1-person household is $2,269. The maximum monthly income for a 2-person household is $3,065. The maximum monthly income for a 3-person household is $3,861. The maximum monthly income for a 4-person household is $4,657.
Child Health Plus
Child Health Plus is available to children under the age of 19 that are New York residents and fall within the income guidelines established by the state. Child Health Plus is for children living in households with incomes too high to qualify for Medicaid. Some of the benefits offered by Child Health Plus include physical exams, immunizations, diagnosis and treatment of illnesses and injuries, laboratory tests and x-rays and inpatient and outpatient care. For free coverage, the maximum monthly income for a 1-person household is $1,443. The maximum monthly income for a 2-person household is $1,942. The maximum monthly income for a 3-person household is $2,441. The maximum monthly income for a 4-person household is $2,939. You can apply for the program through your local Department of Social Services.
Medicaid is a health insurance program available to individuals that cannot afford insurance. You may qualify for the New York Medicaid program if you have high medical bills, receive Supplemental Security Income or meet the income guidelines. Services covered by Medicaid include nursing home care, inpatient and outpatient services, treatment in psychiatric hospitals, family planning services, clinic services and prenatal care. The maximum annual income to qualify for Medicaid for a 1-person household is $9,200. The maximum annual income for a 2-person household is $13,400. The maximum annual income for a 3-person household is $15,410. The maximum annual income for a 4-person household is $17,420. In some cases, Medicaid may pay for your premiums if already have insurance and cannot afford the premiums any longer.
Medicaid Cancer Treatment Program
The Medicaid Cancer Treatment Program is a component of Medicaid that treats eligible individuals diagnosed with breast, cervical, colorectal or prostate cancer. To enroll in the program an individual must apply with the New York State Department of Health Cancer Services Program. Once approved for the program, an individual receives full Medicaid benefits for an initial period of enrollment that is determined by the type of cancer diagnosed. To qualify for the program, an individual must reside in the state of New York, have U.S. citizenship, screen for the cancers covered by the program and not participate in a creditable insurance program. Additionally, individuals with prostate or colorectal cancer must have an income that is at or below 250 percent the federal poverty level and under age 65.
Family Health Plus
Family Health Plus is a comprehensive insurance program designed for persons age 19 to 64 whose income is too high to qualify for Medicaid. Some benefits offered include dental services, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, diabetic supplies and equipment, inpatient and outpatient services, vision, speech, and hearing services and physician services. You can apply for Family Health Plus at your local Department of Social Services or with a Facilitated Enroller located near your home or work. For eligibility, the maximum annual income for a 1-person household is $10,830 and $14,570 for a couple with no children. The maximum annual income for a 2-person household with at least 1 child is $21,855. The maximum annual income for a 3-person household with at least 1 child is $27,465. The maximum annual income for a 4-person household with at least 1 child is $33,075.