Blue Cross and Blue Shield Options in Florida
Blue Cross and Blue Shield offers a temporary coverage option for those who are currently without health care coverage, but will have it in the near future. BlueOptions offers full comprehensive coverage without medical underwriting to those who are just starting out with a new job, in between jobs or who temporarily not medically covered. Temporary plan options offer coverage for 30, 60, 90 and 180 days.
Hospital Surgical Plus
You will receive full coverage, including routine checkups, prescriptions, lab work and dental with plan options through BlueOptions and BlueSelect. These options will also give you coverage for unexpected major medical issues include hospital and surgical costs.
Health Savings Account Compatible
Through BlueOptions you can get partial medical coverage accompanied by a health saving account (HSA) for a low premium. Your medical coverage will have a higher deductible for services you want to have as a precautionary measure. Throughout the year you will place tax-free money into your HSA account that can be used to pay for co-pays, your deductible and other medical related costs.
Health Plans with Dental and Predictable Costs
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida offers you to enhance your health insurance with the addition of dental options. These two options will be combined into one plan with predictable co-payments to cover all visits with low annual deductibles. Predictable cost options all you to pay a low premium with a set amount of medical costs and co-payments eliminated the element of surprise when seeking medical assistance.
Customized and Value Plans
Low Cost plans let you pick and choose which benefits you will use throughout the course of a year. These options make for low premiums and you do not have to pay for medical benefits you might not use. The GoBlue value plan offers health and dental coverage without having to provide a medical history or tests while still being able to receive low premium medical coverage.
Pharmacy Coverage
Pharmacy coverage options are available through Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida to help lower the out of pocket cost of medicine. These options are available in conjunction with all medical coverage options offered. Pharmacy options include BlueScript Pharmacy Program, BlueRX Discount Program, MediScript, BlueCare RX and BlueSelect Pharmacy Program.
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