Mississippi Medicaid Guidelines
Eligible applicants for Mississippi Medicaid must live in the state and hold U.S. citizenship or permanent legal resident status. Those over aged 65 or blind and disabled and meeting income requirements may qualify for Medicaid. Pregnant women, children under age 19 and low-income adults with children may also qualify.
Mississippi has certain Medicaid programs for individuals in specific situations. These include Family Planning for women with family incomes at or less than 185 percent of the Federal Poverty Level, which covers contraceptives paid for by Medicaid. Mississippi Cool Kids covers children from birth to age 21 for those families meeting Medicaid income guidelines.
Those eligible for Medicaid must contact their county Medicaid Regional Office to have an application mailed or go in person to the office and fill it out. Medicaid must receive proof of income to determine eligibility. Applications may also be completed over the phone with Medicaid Regional Office personnel. Medicaid processes applications between 45 and 90 days after receipt depending on the individual's eligibility group.
Income and Asset Limitations
Income limitations vary between certain categories of Medicaid recipients. All are based on the annual Federal Poverty Level. For example, children under age 19 are eligible for Medicaid coverage if the family income is at or below 100 percent of the FPL. Any changes in income or resources must be reported to the county Medicaid Regional Office within 10 days of the change.
Certain resources do not count toward Medicaid income limits. In Mississippi, individuals have a $4,000 exemption and couples qualify for $6,000 exemption. A dwelling may be excluded if it is the applicant's primary residence. Any income-producing property owned by the applicant does not count toward the income limits "if it produces a net annual return of 6% of the equity value to the
beneficiary." Up to two motor vehicles qualify for exclusion. Personal household property of up to $5,000 may be excluded.
Medicaid recipients in Mississippi receive inpatient and outpatient hospital care; 12 doctors office visits per year for adults and as many visits for children as a physician deems medically necessary; up to five prescription drugs per month for adults and more for children if a physician deems the additional medications necessary; and home health services. Adults may qualify for one pair of eyeglasses every five year and children may receive up to two pairs per year. Recipients under age 21 may receive inpatient psychiatric care. Those without means of transportation to doctors' appointments may receive transport aid. Other Medicaid-eligible services include dental extractions, an annual physical examination, certain medical supplies and hospice care. Co-pays apply to some services and Medicaid payments are made directly to health-care providers.