Does Medicaid Cover Costs for Green Card Holders?
Medicaid Basics
Medicaid is a federally-funded program, but managed by each of the individual states. The program offers health insurance to low income individuals and families who cannot qualify for private health insurance. However, not every individual is eligible to receive it, and acceptance is dependent on income qualifications.
General Eligibility
Each state has its own eligibility requirements and you should check with your state's department of human services for those specific requirements. General eligibility requires that Medicaid only be available to people who are considered low income and who do not have any other type of health insurance. States may also consider age, disability, pregnancy and blindness. In most cases any bank accounts, property and income that you receive will be reviewed to determine if anything can be sold to pay for medical expenses. Because eligibility requirements differ by state, legal immigrants holding green cards, may be eligible for Medicaid in one state but be ineligible in another.
Immigration Status
To receive Medicaid you must be a qualified immigrant, which includes all green card holders, refugees, those granted a withholding of deportation, Cubans, Haitians, battered spouses and children, immigrants who entered the country prior to 1996 or any person who has had a U.S. citizen file for a spouse or child visa. Immigrants who do not fall under these categories do not qualify for Medicaid in most states.
Even though there are immigrants who do not hold green card status and do not qualify for Medicaid, the government will consider the financial resources of the immigrant and whether he is sponsored by a U.S. citizen (an affidavit of support must be filed). However, in these cases the income from the sponsoring U.S. citizen will be considered when determining eligibility.