The Medicaid Program in Illinois
Illinois Medicaid is not a single health care program. Medicaid is a collection of programs that provide medical assistance and health insurance to residents who belong to different categories such as people with disabilities, children or pregnant women. Medicaid programs pay for a variety of comprehensive medical benefits. Eligible recipients are covered for health services such as doctor's visits, dental care, immunizations, hospital care, mental health services and substance abuse.
Family Programs
Illinois Medicaid family health plans include All Kids; Family Care; and Moms and Babies. These plans cover parents and their children or the caretakers of children. All Kids is a medical program that offers health coverage to every child living in Illinois regardless of health status or income. All Kids covers services such as wellness visits, hospital stay or prescription drugs. Because all children are eligible for coverage, some parents may be required to pay a small monthly premium and a $10 co-pay for doctor's visits.
Family care covers parents and caretakers of children who meet income requirements. Family care beneficiaries pay a small premium which ranges from $15 to $40 per month. Doctor's visits and prescriptions are subject to a co-pay from $2 to $5. The Moms and Babies program provides health coverage to pregnant women and infant children at no cost. The program covers prenatal checkups, lab tests and prenatal vitamins but excludes coverage for hospital and labor and delivery costs.
Programs for Individuals
Various Medicaid programs are available for Illinois residents who do not fit into a family category. Senior citizens, the blind, or persons with a disability are eligible for the AABD Medical program if monthly income does not exceed 100 percent of the FPL if single or $1,167 for a couple. Health benefits are also available for women with breast or cervical cancer. To qualify for benefits, these recipients must be screened through the Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer program and found to need treatment.
With the exception of the All Kids program, Medicaid beneficiaries must meet monthly income restrictions to be eligible for assistance. The household income for Family Care recipients, for example, cannot exceed 185 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. Family Care recipients must also be U.S. citizens or meet immigration requirements. The household income for beneficiaries of the Moms and Babies program cannot exceed 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. To qualify for the Health Benefits for Workers with Disabilities program, recipients must work and have income that does not exceed 200 percent of the FPL. Beneficiaries of this program must pay a premium for coverage.