Infant Medicaid Requirements in Georgia
The income limits used to determine eligibility for the Right From the Start program are based on family size. For a family that consists of only the infant and a single parent, the household income must be under $1,926 per month. In 2011, the income limit for a family of three is $2,416, a family of four is $2,907 and a family of five is $3,397.
The income limits are based on the federal poverty level. For infants under the age of 1 year old, the calculations for eligibility are based on 185 percent of the FPL. Once the child reaches age one, the caculations are based on 133 percent of the FPL until the child's 6th birthday. After age 6, the calculations are based on 100 percent of the FPL. Children may continue to receive Medicaid through the Right From the Start program until they are 19 years old, as long as the household income does not exceed the current year's limits.
Reporting Changes
All families that receive public assistance, including Medicaid, must report any changes to their family size, monthly housing costs and income within 30 days. Changes can be reported easily online through the Department of Human Service's COMPASS website.
Case Reviews
Families receiving Medicaid must complete a semi-annual review process with their assigned case worker. This review record changes and verifies that all eligibility requirements are being met. Most commonly, families will receive a review form by mail that must be filled out and returned by the established due date.