Information on Secure Care Health Insurance
Health Maintenance Organizations
SecureCare plans provide health maintenance organization (HMO) coverage. In an HMO plan, you must select a primary care physician from a network of participating doctors. The primary care physician acts as the coordinator for all of your health care needs. HMOs also include an approved network of hospitals, health care specialists and health facilities. If you receive health care services from providers outside of the approved network, you typically incur higher expenses.
Medicare Part A Coverage
SecureCare plans help pay for services offered in Medicare Part A. Part A, also referred to as hospital insurance, helps pays for your inpatient hospital costs, home health care, skilled nursing and hospice care.
Medicare Part B Coverage
You can receive coverage offered in Medicare Part B with a SecureCare plan. Part B coverage includes doctor fees, select preventive care services, outpatient care and home health services.
Medicare Part D Coverage
Medicare offers Part D coverage through private insurance companies. Part D coverage, included in SecureCare plans, can help you pay for prescription drugs.
SecureCare providers typically extend coverage to people eligible for Medicare Parts A and B. Medicare offers Parts A and B coverage to people 65 years of age and older, and certain disabled individuals. While Medicare also extends coverage to people with end-stage renal disease, certain SecureCare providers do not.
Premiums and Copayments
SecureCare plans typically require you to pay premium payments, deductibles and co-payments for certain services. Your out-of-pocket expenses can depend on the SecureCare plan you choose. For example, Fidelis SecureCare of Texas offers three SecureCare plans, with monthly premiums ranging from approximately $30 to $160 per month, as of March 2011. You must often make co-payments for services like doctor visits, emergency transport, laboratory services and pharmacy services. Plans with higher monthly premiums often have lower co-payments and deductibles.
SecureCare Additional Benefits
SecureCare plans often include benefits not offered by Medicare coverage. For instance, Fidelis SecureCare of Texas includes coverage for such dental services as cleanings, examinations and x-rays. Plans can also include hearing services, to help pay for hearing exams and fittings for hearing aids. Certain plans can also offer coverage for your vision expenses, including examinations, contact lenses and glasses. Plans can pay for smoking cessation courses or counseling, and nutrition classes. Depending on the SecureCare plan you choose, you may also receive preventive care benefits for such procedures as immunizations, mammograms, prostate cancer exams, pap smears, bone mass measurements or pelvic examinations.