Eligibility Requirements for Medicaid in Alabama
Residency and Citizenship Requirements
To receive Medicaid in Alabama, you must currently live in the state. If you relocate to another state, Medicaid coverage will not transfer. You must also be a U.S. citizen or legal immigrant with proper documentation. Medicaid requires proof of identification and citizenship for all household members applying for the program. Prepare to submit a driver's license, Social Security card or certified copy of a birth certificate.
Eligibility Groups
Alabama Medicaid is open to pregnant women, infants, children under the age of 19, parents or care takers of children, low-income adults, foster children, SSI recipients, individuals over age 65 and disabled or blind. Disabled/sight conditions must be diagnosed through the Social Security Administration. Medicaid will also cover nursing home expenses, when necessary.
Income Guidelines
Income guidelines are based on the current Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Pregnant women, infants and children under the age of six are limited to 133 percent of the FPL. For example in 2011, a family of two cannot exceed $1,631 per month. Children ages six to 19 are allowed to receive 100 percent of the FPL. Low-income adults can only earn or receive $111 per month. A low-income household of two is allowed $137 per month. Working applicants are allowed to deduct $90 per month. Those applying for Medicaid through SSI are limited to $694 per month or $1,031 for a couple. SSI and welfare checks do not count as income in the state of Alabama. Through the medically needy program, certain individuals such as pregnant women, who do not meet the income requirements may still qualify for coverage. Medical expenses are subtracted from the gross income to reduce the total income.
Asset Restrictions
To receive Medicaid, you cannot exceed $2,000 in assets for an individual or $3,000 for a couple. Certain assets are excluded from the limit. Your home, primary vehicle, personal property and certain pre-paid funeral and burial expenses are excluded from the resource total. Cash, bank accounts and real estate are countable assets. Asset restrictions apply to elderly, disabled, blind, the medically needy, SSI recipients and nursing home applicants.