How to Cancel and Terminate CareFirst Blueshield
Obtain your ID card. This is usually sent to you in your original information package when you became a member. It also allows you to share your information with medical staff and pharmacists. Your CareFirst Blueshield ID card is specific to your administrator and group.
Look up the number for Member Services. This number is listed on the back of your ID card. It will also be included in the original welcome packet received as a new member.
Call Member Services and notify them of your intent to cancel and/or terminate your coverage. Ask them what they need from you. Each healthcare facility licensed under the CareFirst Blueshield name must have a clear process for notifying the company of your intent to cancel coverage. Most require notification in writing on or before the 15th of the month in order for the cancellation to become effective by the end of the month. Be sure to inquire about when exactly the coverage will terminate once the notification is received.
Contact CareFirst Blueshield directly through the Member Services contact page. If Member Services is not helpful, there are several ways to contact Member Services for CareFirst Blueshield directly. The best way to contact them depends on the needs of your situation. See Resources for a link to the contact page.