How to Obtain Proof of Creditable Coverage From Blue Cross

There are various reasons you might need proof of coverage or a Certificate of Creditable Coverage from an insurance company, including in order to register a child for summer camp or to avoid charges for preexisting conditions. Blue Cross Blue Shield offers several options for obtaining a Certificate of Creditable Coverage. These options vary by state, but generally the same information is needed for all states.

Things You'll Need

  • Insurance card
  • Subscriber ID number
  • Group number
  • Policyholder's contact information
  • Policyholder's date of birth
  • Dependent's contact information
  • Dependent's date of birth
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    • 1

      Gather the following information: subscriber ID number, group number, policyholder's name and contact information, subscriber's date of birth, dependent's name and contact information (if applicable) and dependent's date of birth (if applicable). The subscriber ID number and group number can be found on the insurance card.

    • 2

      Visit the Blue Cross Blue Shield website's Blue Finder page (see References). Enter the ZIP code under "Blue Finder for Individuals" on the left side of the screen and click the arrow to the right side of the box. This redirects the browser to the Blue Cross Blue Shield website for the specified state.

    • 3

      Enter "Creditable coverage" in the search box in the upper right-hand corner of the web page. If there is no link to a request form in the first two results, click the "Back" button at the top of your browser. Enter "proof of coverage" in the search bar and click "Search." Search results may include a form that you can download and fax or mail to Blue Cross Blue Shield to obtain a Certificate of Creditable Coverage. You also might see a form that you can fill out and submit directly from the website. If no form is located, skip to Step 5.

    • 4

      Use all of the information gathered in Step 1 to complete the form. Click "Submit" to send your request directly, or print the form and then fax or mail it, using the contact information located on the form.

    • 5

      If no form was found on your state's Blue Cross Blue Shield website, that state does not offer requests through their website. You will need to contact Blue Cross Blue Shield customer service at 1-800-558-6213. The customer service representative will either take your request over the telephone or send you the request form by fax or mail.

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